About Us

We didn’t try to be unique, it was just  the way we were. And now, after over a 1/4 century of who we are, nothing has changed.
We still see our customers as our friends deserving of the very best that we can do. This isn’t a cliche, it is the truth. Our products last a lifetime (up to 40,000hrs) and that’s a long time to maintain a friendship.
We do not mass produce. We do not build anything but dryers and every one of our products is uniquely designed by us. 
Every unit is individually built and certified to the highest standards using the very best materials available to us in North America. They are not cheap, nor are they expensive if you believe in ownership value and protecting our environment from a disposable culture.  
Although we can’t leap buildings in a single bound, we are really good at  drying your footwear and other personal gear. 
And yes, nothing has changed because our core values haven’t.
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