Commercial Boot and Glove Dryers News

  • A Threat To Your Health: Mold & Mildew Can Masquerade as Smell in Sports Gear

    Williams Direct Dryers™ are built to help you keep dry and stay healthy. We understand that health is a big concern amongst players because good health keeps you in the game and off the bench. Our SportsDryer™ line provides simultaneous drying for gloves, all types of footwear and even, hockey skates. It's important to keep dry, especially those poorly ventilated spaces and hard-to-reach areas such as the inside of a glove, and the toe box area of your footwear or skates. We can dry just about anything in any sport, including helmets. Our DirectDrying™ technology enables you to dry consistently and confidently. It’ll help prevent the beginning stages of mold and mildew growth. In fact, you’ll gain benefits with the use of our drying systems such as; odor-free gear, a significant reduction of disease causing bacteria in your equipment, and maintain excellent heath! For further information on an independent drying case study by Akron Children’s Hospital, please see here:

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